The step what is done during configuring yum server is as bellow :
- step 1: I've created a directory named yum_repo.
- step 2: Directly copy Packages folder to yum_repo directory from linux dvd.
- step 3: Directly copy main xml file (8afad1febf2d8844a235a9ab1aa5f15c9cec1219b9d01060d4794435cf59dffe-comps-rhel6-Server.xml) to yum_repo directory from linux dvd. Then rename the file as comps-rhel6-Server.xml for ease of use. you can rename it as you like.
- step 4: Install Three RPM which are required for YUM Server- deltarpm, python-deltarpm and createrepo. To do so, change your working directory to Packages then enter the following command now you can Verify that the RPM is installed successfully by following command
- step 5: Generate local repository files using main xml file (yum_repo/comps-rhel6-Server.xml) command is as bellow createrepo -g /yum_repo/comps-rhel6-Server.xml . N.B. After file path(/yum_repo/comps-rhel6-Server.xml) a space and a dot is required. this dot tel Linux to create repository to current directory(yum_repo/Packages)
- step 6: Now it is needed to create new entry in rhel-source.repo(server.repo in 6.0) file. File location is /etc/yum.repos.d/rhel-source.repo to Create new entry in rhel-source.repo file open the file with vi editor. Command for opening the file vi /etc/yum.repos.d/rhel-source.repo after opening the file press i from your keyboard to go to insert mode. Now make the entry as bellow images. Press esc button to exit insert mode. press :wq to save and exit vi editor.
- step 7: During this configuration process yum creates a cache of metadata and packages. This cache can take up a lot of space. yum clean all command allows you to clean up these files.
- step 8: To download and make usable all the metadata for the currently enabled yum repository use the following command yum makecache
- step 9: To list all packages and package group from all the repositories configured use the command yum list all and yum grouplist.
- step 10: Test Yum server by installing any RMP from newly configured yum server. you can install binutils [This RPM is required for Oracle server] open a new terminal and enter the following command DONE!! Enjoy YUM Server!!